Trash & Recycling | Borough of Stratford

Stratford has curbside trash, yard waste, and recycling collection services for residential homes. Please have items at your curb no sooner than 24 hours prior and containers brought back inside or from public view within 12 hours of the collection day.

Recycling Information:
Due to the recent changes in recycling markets, please note Stratford has updated the boroughs recycling processing facilities are now requiring that each load delivered must not exceed certain levels of contamination.

If the loads collected from Stratford are determined to be contaminated, the Borough can be fined as much as $600.00 per load. Those contaminated loads will then be sent to a trash disposal facility. If we continue to send contaminated loads, our town could be shut down from recycling at the facility. That could create a very serious financial burden for our taxpayers.

We ask those homes who have trash collected on Monday to please place any yard waste off to one side, so the Team knows not to confuse it with the trash.  Also ALL yard waste must be either in the brown biodegradable paper yard bags, use trash containers or is tied in bundles.  NO PLASTIC TRASH BAGS should be used. 

The Team Members appreciate all your kind words of praise and your efforts to make the process move efficient.

Helpful Hints:
The following items are trash.  Please do not place them with your recycling.

  • Pizza boxes
  • Plastic Bags
  • Styrofoam

RED Can Recycling Guidelines:
view guidelines

Electronics / Metal Recycling Collection:
The borough collects electronics & metal EVERY Wednesday. Please place items out to the curb on Tuesday night.

Electronics includes televisions, monitors and all other similar electronics (anything with a plug) which for years we were not able to collect but once a year. ALL Metal items including appliances.

Yard Waste Information:
Every Monday until the end of October, the Trash and Recycling Team will be around to collect your yard waste.  “If your yard waste is not collected on Monday, this is due to a holiday or high volume. The team will resume collection on the next day (Tuesday).”

Holiday Trash & Recycling Schedule:
view schedule

If you have any questions please call Borough Hall.

Trash Collection Schedule
Trash bags and/or max 32-gal containers not more than 50 pounds, and to include bulk items.

Longwood Drive – even numbers, Meadow Lark, Evergreen, Green Valley, Winding Way 1-110, Green Tree, Timber Creek, Holly, Hillside 101-125, Temple, Bryn Mawr, Duke, Bucknell, Drexel, Beaver Circle, College Circle and Warwick – even numbers.

Longwood Drive – odd numbers, Longwood Court, Buttonwood, Buttonwood Court, Winding Way 201-268, Hillside 2-46, Sleepy Hollow, Overhill, Parkview, Summit, Hillcrest, Knoll, Knoll Court, Rolling, Sunnybrook, Sunnybrook Court, Homestead and Sterling Arms Condos.

Warwick – odd numbers, Pennsylvania Swarthmore, West Harvard, Rutgers Place, Eton Court, #2-23 West Laurel Road, West Vassar, Elinor, West Union. Saratoga, Oak, Oak Court, Academy, Liberty, West Laurel, Chestnut, Almond, Hazel, Filbert, 300 block South Atlantic East, 2 North Atlantic West, 8-10 East Laurel, Berlin, Stratford, Arlington, Hunt, Coolidge, Wellington, Suburban Terrace and Laureba.

Vassar – odd numbers, Cornell, Columbia, Wright, Whitman, Webster, Cooper, Colby, Washington, Curtis, Curtis Court, Wykagyl, 401-507 North Atlantic East, 401 Kirkwood, and 505 Grand.

Vassar – even numbers, Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Union, Jefferson, Oxford, East Laurel – odd numbers, 1-305 North Atlantic East, 5-219 South Atlantic East, 105 Grand and 9-211 Central.

Click on image below to enlarge

Recycling Collection Schedule

Yard Waste – Grass clippings, weeds and small brush. (April 4 – October 31)

Electronics – TVs, computers, items with plugs.
Metal – Appliances, chain link fencing, etc. (no concrete attached).

Single Stream Red Cans, mixed paper/metal/glass/plastic. No plastic bags.

Thursday – Red Containers – Can be mixed paper/metal/glass/plastic – NO plastic bags.
January 2025 – Warwick, Elinor, Pennsylvania, Swarthmore, West Harvard, Rutgers Place, Eton Court, West Union, East Laurel, 2-23 West Laurel, Temple, Bryn Mawr, Duke, Bucknell, Drexel, Beaver Circle, College Circle, Meadow Lark, Evergreen, Green Valley, Winding Way, Green Tree, Timber Creek, Holly, Hillside, Longwood, Longwood Court, Buttonwood, Buttonwood Court, Sleepy Hollow, Overhill, Parkview, Summit, Hillcrest, Knoll, Knoll Court, Rolling, Sunnybrook, Sunnybrook Court, Homestead. Saratoga, Oak, Oak Court, Academy, Liberty, 404-602 West Laurel, Sterling Arms Condos.

Friday – Red Containers – Can be mixed paper/metal/glass/plastic – NO plastic bags.
Chestnut, Almond, Hazel, Filbert, South Atlantic East, North Atlantic East, North Atlantic West, Berlin, Stratford, Arlington, Hunt, Coolidge, Wellington, Suburban Terrace, Laureba, Vassar, Cornell, Columbia, Wright, Whitman, Webster, Cooper, Colby, Washington, Curtis, Curtis Court, Wykagyl, Kirkwood, Grand, Central, Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Union, Jefferson, and Oxford.

Click on image below to enlarge

Camden County Recycling
View Hazardous Waste Collection Days
View Residential Recycling Information
Paint and Toxic Waste Disposal
Single Stream Recycling flyer
Please call (856) 858-5241 for more information.

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