12.12.010 – Responsibility to remove snow and ice
- The owner or owners, occupant or occupants, tenant or tenants of premises abutting or bordering upon any street in the borough shall remove all snow and ice from the abutting sidewalks of such streets or, in the case of ice which may be so frozen as to make removal impracticable, shall cause the same to be thoroughly covered with sand, salt or other suitable materials within twelve (12) hours of daylight after the same shall fall or be formed thereon.
- In case the building is occupied by more than one (1) family or business unit, then the tenant or occupant of the first floor or story thereof is hereby required to remove all snow and ice from such portion of the sidewalks or, in the case of ice which is impracticable to remove, cover the same with sand, salt or other suitable materials within twelve (12) hours of daylight after the same shall be formed or fall thereon.
12.12.020 – Throwing or placing of snow or ice upon streets
No person, firm or corporation nor the owner, tenant or occupant of any premises abutting on any street shall throw, place or deposit any snow or ice into or upon any street in said borough, it being the intent and purpose of this provision to prohibit all persons from throwing, casting, placing or depositing snow and ice, which accumulated within the private property belonging to said person, upon the sidewalks or streets of the borough.
12.12.030 – Procedure upon nonremoval
No person, firm or corporation nor the owner, tenant or occupant of any premises abutting on any street shall throw, place or deposit any snow or ice into or upon any street in said borough, it being the intent and purpose of this provision to prohibit all persons from throwing, casting, placing or depositing snow and ice, which accumulated within the private property belonging to said person, upon the sidewalks or streets of the borough.
12.12.040 – Violations and penalties
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both
12.12.050 – Statutory authority
This chapter is adopted pursuant to the authority conferred by N.J.S.A. 40:65-12.