The Borough of Stratford has a storm water management plan and a storm water pollution prevention plan to help reduce flood damage and soil erosion, and to minimize pollution runoff into our water supply. Here are practices you can follow to help prevent pollution of our water through the storm drain system:
- Limit your use of fertilizers and pesticides
- Properly use and dispose of hazardous products
- Keep pollution out of storm drains
- Clean up after your pet
- Don’t feed wildlife
- Don’t litter
- Dispose of yard waste properly
Stormwater Solutions Tip Sheets
Of course, the Borough has ordinances that prohibit contamination through the storm drains; but your help and cooperation is what is really needed to help maintain our clean water.
Please Help Protect Our Waterways:Do Not POUR or DUMPAnything into our the Storm Drains
New Jersey DEP Stormwater Information
- Visit NJ DEP for more information about stormwater and how to help protect our environment.
- View Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Information on total maximum daily load (TMDL) of various pollutants which may be found in the waterways surrounding Stratford.
Stormwater Plans & Solutions
Name |
Plan |
Municipal Stormwater Plan | Plan (PDF) |
Municipal Stormwater Pollution Plan | Plan (PDF) |
Stormwater Outfall Pipe Map | Map (PDF) |
Solutions to Stormwater Pollution | Brochure (PDF) |
Pet Waste Pollutes Our Waters | Brochure (PDF) |
Borough Ordinances on Stormwater
Name |
Ordinance |
Stormwater Control | 2006:09 (PDF) |
Dogs & Cats | 2005:04 (PDF) |
Littering | 2005:05 (PDF) |
Improper Disposal of Waste | 2005:06 (PDF) |
Wildlife Feeding | 2005:07 (PDF) |
Yard Waste Collection and Containers | 2005:08 (PDF) |
Illicit Connections | 2005:09 (PDF) |
Refuse Containers | 2010:11 (PDF) |
Private Storm Drain Inlet Retrofit | 2010:12 (PDF) |
Stormwater Control | 2021:04 (PDF) |
Stormwater Control | 2023:10 (PDF) |
Tree Removal | 24:04 (PDF) |