E-Newsletter | Borough of Stratford E-Newsletter

Please read the following information below, prior to signing up for the Borough of Stratford E-Newsletter subscription e-mail service.

The Borough of Stratford has set up a Borough Informational e-mail subscription service for our residents. If you agree to receive these e-mails, you will receive occasional messages about monthly meetings, town events and other updates regarding important issues. The E-Newsletter service is a NO-REPLY service, please DO NOT reply to any E-Newsletter, the borough does not receive these replies. These blasts are only meant as an aid to the residents, it is not intended as a legal advertisement for meetings and there is no guarantee that all information will get to everyone at all times. This is just an attempt to help get the word out. Subscribers can help the system work by encouraging other to sign up or by passing the e-mails out to friends and neighbors in town. There are some people that do not use e-mail.

Since the E-Newsletter subscription e-mail service has no guarantees, please refer to the Borough Website for the most current up to date borough information.

Mayor and Council recognize that our town, as in most towns there is a problem getting the information out to the residents about meetings, etc. We know that most people do not scan the papers looking for meeting times and locations. We also recognize that with hot-button issues like these, there is a lot of misinformation that gets passed around. We want every resident in this town to have the opportunity to attend these important meetings and voice their opinions on these issues. We also want to make sure that what information is dispensed is accurate.

Please understand that most information about what is going on in town can be found on the Borough web site. You do have to go there to get the information and we know that that is not happening.

The E-Newsletter is a subscription service that one must sign up for and e-mails should NOT be reported as SPAM. Please DO NOT report any E-Newsletter from the Borough of Stratford as SPAM. If you do so, this only affects other residents whom wish to receive these E-Newsletters. Remember for you to receive E-Newsletters, you must subscribe to the E-Newsletter service and at any time you would like to unsubscribe from the E-Newsletter service you can do so, by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any E-Newsletter or you may click unsubscribe. If you are still receiving E-Newsletters from the Borough of Stratford after you have unsubscribed from the service, please email the borough at info@stratfordnj.org or contact the Borough Hall during normal hours of operation at (856) 783-0600

Please note: you may still receive a few E-Newsletters from the service once you unsubscribe.

Under NJ Law all email addresses provided are considered a public record and are available under the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) by the general public.

Sign up for the E-Newsletter e-mail service

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