Dog and Cat License: Download registration form
Licenses are due by March 31st
- Cost per cat: $10.00 ($15.00 if NOT spayed or neutered)
- Cost per dog: $15.00 ($20.00 if NOT spayed or neutered)
A late fee of $5.00 per each license, per month, up to $25.00 for each license renewed after April 1st.
Licenses available for STRATFORD RESIDENTS ONLY
Dog and Cat licenses may be purchased either:
In person at the Borough Clerk’s Office, or by regular mail
Supply the following information when applying for a license
Rabies Vaccination (must be in effect through November of the current year)
A statement, signed by a veterinarian, certifying that the Dog and/or Cat has had its reproductive capacity permanently altered through sterilization.
Please Remember to:
Bring last year’s license and current vaccination papers (if available)
Bring proof that your pet is spayed or neutered
ALL DOGS AND CATS, kept in the Borough of Stratford, are required to be licensed. In addition, all dogs and cats must have a rabies vaccination certificate. Licenses must be obtained or renewed between January 1st and March 31st of each year.
Note: The Borough of Stratford does not administer the rules for Animal control info or licensing, they are regulated by the State of New Jersey
Rabies Clinic
March 8th, 2025
12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Stratford Fire Hall, 311 Laurel Road, Stratford, NJ 08084
This is a FREE service for dog and/or cat owners in Camden County.
Please note, we will NOT be issuing pet licenses during this event.
To obtain your pet’s license, you may stop at the Borough Hall during regular business hours or mail the appropriate payment to Borough of Stratford 307 Union Ave. Stratford, NJ 08084.
Late Fees Begin on April 1st 2025.
Please be sure your pet has a valid rabies vaccine for this year in order to be eligible for a license.
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
Amendments to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act (hereinafter “the Act”), N.J.S.A. 4:22-17 et seq., were recently signed into law. The new legal requirements set forth in the Act apply to any individual who owns or has custody or control (hereinafter “caretaker”) of a dog, service animal or an animal that is a pet.
To ensure all dog, pet and service animal owners and caretakers have a basic understanding of these newly enacted legal requirements, a brief, general description of the requirements and prohibitions and a guide to compliance is provided below. The description below also includes a short synopsis of prohibited acts that apply to animals in general, which is provided to ensure that the general public is aware of these restrictions. This brief overview is intended to be a helpful guideline and is not intended to be a substitute for reading the law in its entirety.
Code: N.J.S.A. 4:22-17.2 and 17.5.
View animal cruelty laws (PDF)
Independent Animal Care Services, LLC
Phone: (855) 422-7224
Voorhees Animal Orphanage
419 Cooper Road
Voorhees, NJ 08043
Phone: (856) 627-9111